Key Articles and Book Chapters

Performative Inquiry

Taylor, S. & Fels, L. (2022). Beyond popular scholarship: SExT youth engaging in the world’s renewal In Patricia Leavey (Ed.). Popularizing Scholarly Research: The Academic Landscape, Representation, and Professional Identity in the 21st Century (provisional title). Oxford Press.

Armos, N., Chasse, C., Fels, L., & Grindlay, M. (2022). Performing Mentorship in Collaborative Research Teams: Arts-Based Digital Encounters. The Canadian Journal of Action Research, 22(3). 91-113. Retrieved from

Bava, S., Engelbrecht, A., Fels, L., Gramani, D., Grindlay, M., Johnsey, S., Kalra, A., Lin, M., Martens, M.M., & Lau, A.W. (2022). Inception of emergence. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 23(5). Retrieved from

Norris, J., Fels, L. & Kandil, Y. (2019). Surrender, Pedagogy, Ambiguity, Research and Impossibility: Cats @ Play. In P. Duffy, C. Hatton & R. Sallis (Eds.). Drama research methods: Provocations of practice. Rotterdam: Sense.

Fels, L. (2019). The Empty Chair: Remembering Home through Performative Inquiry. In S. Farquhar & E. Fitzpatrick (Eds.). Innovations in narrative and metaphor – methodologies and practices. Springer.

Fels, L. (2015). Performative Inquiry: Reflection as a Scholarly Pedagogical Act. In Warren Linds & Elinor Vettraino (Eds.). Playing in a house of mirrors: Applied theatre as reflective pedagogical practice. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

Fels, L. (2012). Collecting Data Through Performative Inquiry: A Tug on the Sleeve. Youth Theatre Journal, 26 (1), 50–60.

Fels, L. (2011). A Dead Man’s Sweater: Performative Inquiry Embodied and Recognized. Shifra Schonmann (Ed.). Key Concepts in Theatre/Drama Education. Netherlands: Sense. 339-343.

Fels, L. (2010). Coming into Presence: The Unfolding of a Moment. Journal of Educational Controversy, 5(1). Bellingham, Washington: Western Washington University.

Fels, L. (1998). In the Wind, Clothes Dance on a Line. JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 14 (1), 27-36.

Fels, L. & Stothers, S. (1996). Academic Performance: Between Theory and Praxis. Drama, Culture and Empowerment. J. O’Toole & K. Donelan (Eds.). Australia: IDEAS. 255–261.

Performative Pedagogy

Meyer, K. & Fels, L. (2023). Light, sound, moving around! What monsters are made of? In Christine Tippett & Tod Miller (Eds.). Seeing Science through the Eyes of Canadian Teachers and Learnings, Secondary and Beyond. Springer.

Fels, L. (2023) Embodying Imagination: Creative Leadership In Action. In Gillian Judson (Ed.). Imagination and educational leadership. TCP.

Searle, M., Ahn C., Fels, L., & Carbone, K. (2021). Illuminating Transformative Evaluation: Infusing Creativity, Reciprocity and Care into Assessment. Journal of Transformative Education, 19 (4). 339-365.

Fels, L. (2020). Winter’s Walk: All the Light I Hold in This Moment. LEARNing Landscapes., 13 (1), 15-21.

Fels, L. (2020). Performing Action Research: Stepping Forth into Leadership. In K. Clausen & G. Black (Eds.). The future of action research in education. Montreal, QUE: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Searle, M. & Fels, L. (2018). Inseparability of practice: Contemplations on arts, assessment, and evaluation. Artizein, special issue on Arts Based and Contemplative Practice in Research and Teaching., 3 (1), 74-92.

Fels, L. (2016). Performing Leadership: John Cage’s 4’33” Reprise. LEARNing Landscapes, 9 (2), 213-228.

Nilson, M. Fels, L. & Gopaul, B. (2016). Performing Leadership: Use of Performative Inquiry in Teaching Organizational Theories. Journal of Leadership Education, 15 (3), 170–186. DOI:1012806/V15/13/R7.

Fels, L. (2015). Performative Inquiry: Releasing Regret. In International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education: The Wisdom of the Many—Key Issues in Arts Education, 3, 510-514. New York: Waxmann.

Wardrop, A. & Fels, L. (2015). Stepping through the looking glass: Embodying hospitality through transitions. In Carter, M., Prendergast, M., Belliveau, G. (Eds.) Drama and Theatre Education: Canadian Perspectives. Polygraph Book Series, Canadian Association of Teacher Education.

Fels, L. (2013). The Upside Down Picnic Table: The Wonder of Learning though Improvisational Play. In Kieran Egan, Ed. Wonder-Full education: The centrality of wonder in teaching and learning across the curriculum. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Fels, L. (2009). Performative Inquiry: Arresting the Villains in Jack and the Beanstalk. Journal for Learning through the Arts. Irvine, Cal.: University of California.

Fels, L. (2009). When Royalty Steps Forth—Role Drama as an Embodied Learning System. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education. 124–142.

Fels, L. (2004). Complexity, Teacher Education and the Restless Jury: Pedagogical Moments of Performance, Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 1(1), 73–98.

Fels, L. (2003). Performance, Place & Possibility: Curricular Landscapes, Curricular Songs. Curriculum Intertext: Place/Language/Pedagogy. W. Hurren & E. Hasebe-Ludt (Eds.). Toronto, Ont.: Peter Lang. 173–188

Fels, L. (2002). Spinning Straw into Gold: Curriculum, Performative Literacy and Student Empowerment. English Quarterly, 34 (1,2), 3–9.

Fels, L. & McGivern, L. (2002). Intertextual Play through Performative Inquiry: Intercultural Recognitions. Body and Language: Intercultural Learning Through Drama. G. Brauer (Ed.). Greenwood Academic. 19–35.

Meyer, K. & Fels, L. (1998). Einstein, the Universe and Us: Science Hits the Stage: Performative Inquiry Within a Co-Evolving Curriculum. JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 14 (1), 22-26.

Fels, L. & Meyer, K. (1997). On the Edge of Chaos: Co-evolving world(s) of Drama and Science. Journal of Teaching Education, 9 (1), 75-81.

Performative Writing

Mulder, D. & Fels, L. (2022). Perpetual Bloom. In Diane Conrad & Sean Wiebe (Eds.). Educational fabulations: Teaching and learning for a world yet to come. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrove.

Fels, L. (2022). Melting ICE. Imaginative Creative Education chapter. In Blaine Hatt (Ed.). Crushing Ice: Short on theory, long on practical approaches to Imagination Creativity Education. Victoria, BC: Friesen.

Women Writing Women Collective. (2014) Learning wisdom through collectivity: the Women Writing Women Collective. NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, 7(1).

Fels, L., (2014). Catching my breath: In full flight over the prairies. Emotion, Space and Society, 11, 52-60.

Wiebe, S. & Fels, L. (2010). Thinking Around Tenure-Track: Ducking Under the Finish Line. Journal of Educational Thought, 44 (1), Special Issue, 11-26.

Fels, L., Linds, W., & Purru, K. (2008). “Performing Impossibility: Decolonizing Representation in Arts-Informed Dissertations” Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the Arts-informed Thesis or Dissertation. J. Gary Knowles, Ardra L. Cole, Lorri Neilsen and Sara Promislow (Eds.). University of Toronto, Toronto. 39–53.

Women Writing Women Collective. (2008). Evoking desire...and irreverence: A collection of women writing women. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity Science and Education, 5(1), 131–139.

Fels, L. (1995). In Dialogue and Interaction with Grumet: Erasing the Line. Educational Insights. Vancouver, B.C. 3(1) (19 pp).

Performing Personal Narratives

Fels, L. (2020). Contact!Unload Revisited: Degrees of Separation. In G. Belliveau & M. Westwood (Eds.). Soldiers performing self in CONTACT!UNLOAD: Innovations in theatre and counselling psychology. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.

Fels, L. (2015). Woman Overboard: Pedagogical Moments of Performative Inquiry. In Susan Walsh, Barbara Bickel, and Carl Leggo, (Eds.) Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presences. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.

Fels, L. (2013). Waiting for my Son’s Call. In W. Hurren & Erica Hasbe-Ludt (Eds.). Contemplating Curriculum: Genealogies/Times/Places. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Fels, L., (2012). Each Moment, a Child of Duration. In C. Chambers, E. Hasebe-Ludt, C. Leggo, & A. Sinner, (Eds.). A heart of wisdom: Life writing as empathetic inquiry. New York: Peter Lang.

Fels, L. (2008). A Fine Reach Home: Excerpts from a Sailor’s Wind Journal. Canadian Journal of Environmental Studies, Special Issue. 13(2), 180–191.

Performative Inquiry and Therapeutic Learning

Fels, L. (2020). Contact!Unload Revisited: Degrees of Separation. In G. Belliveau & M. Westwood, (Eds.) Soldiers performing self in CONTACT!UNLOAD: Innovations in theatre and counselling psychology. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.

Frantzich K, Fels L. (2018) Embodied Theater Ecology: illuminating the gap through bridging Depth Psychology's encounter with Performative Inquiry. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46(3), 272-281.

Fels, L. (2016). Contact!Unload Revisited: Degrees of Separation. (99–112). In G. Belliveau & M. Westwood, (Eds.) Soldiers performing self in CONTACT!UNLOAD: Innovations in theatre and counselling psychology. Vancouver, BC: Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia. (Funded by Movember Foundation).

Fels, L. (2004). Kneeling in this moment still: Performative inquiry. Arts Informed: The Centre for Arts-Informed Research, 3(2), 5-8.

Performative Inquiry Through A Lens of Technology

Fels, L., & Ricketts K. (2015). BodyHeat Encounter: Performing Technology in Pedagogical Spaces of Surveillance and Intimacy. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 16(9), 1-24.

Ricketts, K., Fels, L., & Pritchard, R. (2014) Icarus and the Extension Cord In Robyn Ewing, Ardra Cole, & J. Gary Knowles (Eds). Performing scholartistry. Halifax, NS: Backalong Books and the Centre for Arts-informed Inquiry Series. 169-209.

Fels, L. & Ricketts, K. (2012). The Poetics of Technology: Performing technology in poetic spaces of surveillance, encounter, and intimacy. In S. Thomas, A. Cole &S. Stewart (Eds.). The art of poetic inquiry. Halifax, NS: Backalong Books.

Arts for Social Change

Fels, L. & Ortiz, B., (2019).Pedagogy of Social Circus: Launching the Ball. In J.B. Spiegel & B. Ortiz (Eds.). The art of collectivity: Social transformation, ŒBuen Vivir and Ecuador’s social circus in global perspective McGill-Queens University Press.

Marcuse, J., Fels, L., Boydell, B. & Spiegel, JB. (2019).Through their Bodies, Eyes and Voices: Social Circus, social inquiry, and the politics of facilitating Œcollectivity. In J.B. Spiegel & B. Ortiz (Eds.). The art of collectivity: Social transformation, ŒBuen Vivir and Ecuador’s social circus in global perspective McGill-Queens University Press.

Fels, Lynn. (2018). Working the Margins of Community-Based Adult Learning: The Power of Arts-Making in Finding Voice and Creating Conditions for Seeing/Listening. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 30 (2).

Fraser, P., Harrison, F. & Fels, L. (2017). A Walk, a Question, and Missives from the West Coast. Video Dispatch. (305-306). Studies in Social Justice. Special Themed Issue, 11(2).

Yassi A, Spiegel JB, Lockhart K, Fels L, Boydell K, Marcuse J. Ethics in Community-University-Artist Partnered Research: Tensions, Contradictions and Gaps Identified in an ‘Arts for Social Change’ Project. Journal of Academic Ethics. (2016 April).


Artists Speak is a compilation of research interviews with community-engaged artists. Included are two teaching videos, 'What Matters' and 'The Art of Listening', which introduce key concepts in arts for social change as defined by the artists interviewed. This site is an arts-based research creation and knowledge representation project, designed for artists, researchers, educators, and students interested in the interplay of arts, education, community engagement, and social justice.

Fraser, P., Harrison, F. & Fels, L. (2017). Artists Speak.

Writing Research Beyond Prison Gates

Korchinsky, M., Martin Elwood, R. & Fels, L. (in press). Kaleidoscope: Violence/Hope/ Action. In Katherine Rossiter & Jennifer Rinaldi (Eds.) Institutional violence. McGill-Queen’s Press.

Fels, L., Korchinski, M. Elwood Martin, R. (2019). Releasing hope—Women’s stories of transition from prison to community. Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being. (94-101) Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being, 4(4).

McLeod, K. E., Bergen, C., Roth, K., Latimer, C., Hanberg, D., Stitilis, B., Buxton, J.A., Fels, L., Oliffe, J.L., Myers, N., Leggo, C. & Martin, R. E. (2019). Participant-Driven Health Education Workshops With Men Transitioning From Prison to Community. (8-11) Health Promotion Practice, 20(1).

Meyer, K. & Fels, L. (2014). Imagining Education: An Arendtian Response to An Inmate’s Question. (1-19) Canadian Journal of Education, 36 (3). (Authorship is shared equally).

Fels, L., Meyer, K. & Martin, R. (2011). Angel Words Inside Prison Gates: Participatory Action Research As An Action Of Restorative Justice. (69-88). In J. Charlton, S. Pavelka, & PJ Verrecchia (Eds.), International perspectives on restorative justice in education. Kanata, ON: JCharlton.

Meyer, K. & Fels, L. (2009). Breaking Out: Learning Research from The Women in Prison Project. International Review of Qualitative Inquiry, 2(2), 269–290. (Authorship is equally shared).

Ann, Danita, Devon, Julie, Lynn and Shelley. (2009). “Can you imagine…What if Women Were Sentenced to Education?” Women Speaking Out Inside the Gate. (301–306.) In C. Leggo, P. Sameshima, M. Prendergast (Eds.). Poetic Inquiry: Vibrant Voices in the Social Sciences. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense. *Last names withheld due to confidentiality. Authorship is shared equally.

Book Review

Fels, L. (2018). Reimagining the Margins Through Arts. Working the margins of community-based adult learning: The power of arts-making in finding voice and creating conditions for seeing/listening. cjsae: the Canadian journal for the study of Adult Education, 30 (2). Special Issue, Book Review. 123-125.